SSI Instructor Levels

SSI Instructor Levels

From the time man had the urge to explore the underwater world, the pleasures were denied to the vast majority until scuba training and equipment were developed in its present form. Now that diving is accessible to anyone, there is a high demand for people who have a passion for diving and want to share the experience with others.

For SSI, the most important step in a Dive Professional´s career is becoming a person who can train new divers – the SSI Open Water Instructor. The Open Water Instructor´s mission is to inspire and influence beginners to grow in their diving experiences with the goal of making them committed divers.

The goal of the Instructor Training Course (ITC) is to increase your retail business and industry knowledge, expand your teaching skills and add professional presentation/sales experience through modern workshops and practical applications. It is an opportunity to learn how to deliver “The Ultimate Diving Experience”.

Instructor Training Course candidates will be taking a unique program that has stood the test of time. You are accepting a challenge that many capable Dive Professionals before you have accomplished. To stay competitive in today’s diving industry the program has been updated to ensure that all Dive Professionals are equipped with the latest retail business training and industry knowledge.

Open Water Instructor (OWI)

Being a Dive Control Specialist plus enrolling in the Instructor Training Course which finishes with an Instructor Evaluation equals Open Water Instructor (OWI). As an Open Water Instructor you can teach and issue certifications for Indoor Diver, Scuba Diver, Junior Open Water Diver, Open Water Diver, Advanced Adventurer, Scuba Skills Update, Try Scuba, Try Scuba Diving, Enriched Air Nitrox, and Diver Stress & Rescue.

Specialty Instructor (SPI)

When you are certified as an SSI Open Water Instructor, you can also qualify for further SSI Specialty Instructor ratings. To teach additional SSI Specialties, you will need to qualify by attending a Specialty Instructor seminar, co-teaching or by resume. These Specialty programs include: Altitude Diving, Boat Diving, Cavern Diving, Computer Diving, Deep Diving, Digital Underwater Photography, Dry Suit Diving, Equipment Techniques, Ice Diver, Independent Diver, Navigation, Night/Limited Visibility Diving, Perfect Buoyancy, Science of Diving, Search

Advanced Open Water Instructor (AOWI)

Once you have four Specialty Instructor certifications and you have issued 15 Specialty program certifications, you will automatically be upgraded to Advanced Open Water Instructor. After certification, Advanced Open Water Instructors are qualified to teach, supervise, or issue certifications for Advanced Open Water/Junior Advanced Open Water, Dive Guide, Science of Diving, Divemaster and Snorkel Instructor programs, plus any additional Specialties you are qualified to teach.



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